
Farm 1

Vincent, our farm manager with his wife Elizabeth and sons.

SMPI has embraced the challenge to help Treasured Kids Primary School with their noon feeding program.

Each of the 250 students in the school is fed a noon meal five days a week- often the only reliable meal they get in a day. In order to build a sustaining program of food production, we have purchased 18 acres of land relatively close to the city and built a house on it for the farm manager and workers to live in.

Our goal is sustainability- to grow enough produce to feed the children year round and have extra to sell to cover the cost of seed, labor and the operational expenses of the farm. We feel we are on a path to accomplishing this goal.

Farm 2

Newly built corn crib to dry the maize.

Farm 3

Newly planted maize (corn) and banana trees.

There are two growing seasons each year in Uganda. Expenses include purchasing new seeds for each season, paying the workers to cultivate and weed the crops, hiring extra workers to bring in the harvest and clearing the remaining land. Currently we have 18 acres of land cultivated. We are presently employing an agronomist who is helping us with crop production and the proper soil fertilization to help the land give the highest yields. Your donation today will help us pay for the costs of sustaining the farm until it can become self- sufficient. The teachers and students of Treasured Kids are so grateful for the consistent supply of daily food available because of the farm.

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